
Legally Reviewed by:

Jonathan Rosenfeld

March 2, 2023

Over $400 Million worth of case results

Awarded The Best Lawyer in 2024 by U.S. News

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Truck drivers often face various health risks due to their jobs. Long hours on the road can mean less sleep and fatigue, leading to a lack of focus and attention when driving and strained muscles from sitting in one position for so long.

Repetitive behavior, social isolation, and stress associated with trucking can affect a driver’s emotional well-being. Working with dangerous cargo and dealing with tight schedules can create immense pressure, making the job of a truck driver both physically and mentally demanding.

Were you injured in a truck accident or suffer from a physical ailment in the workplace? The truck accident lawyers at Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers, LLC are legal advocates for accident victims.

Call a truck driver injury lawyer today at (888) 424-5757 (toll-free phone number) or use the contact form to schedule a free consultation.

truck driver injury lawyer

Common Risks of the Trucking Industry

Trucking is a vital industry in the United States, but it also comes with risks. Truck drivers can suffer musculoskeletal disorders, falls from elevations, and being struck by or against objects.

Vehicle-related injuries account for more than half of all truck driver fatalities. Different types of work can lead to different work-related injuries, such as slipping and falling when making a delivery or malfunctioning lift gates during the loading process.

Common Injuries in the Trucking Industry

There are numerous risk factors for most common injuries in the workplace. These serious on-the-job injuries may be due to heavy equipment and traffic accidents. Working with heavy machinery, physical labor, and driving on dangerous highways can all lead to injury.

Repetitive Injuries

Truck drivers risk suffering from repetitive stress injuries due to the need to keep their arms and legs in the same position while performing the same motions for long periods. Common types of injuries include:

These injuries can lead to severe consequences such as permanent disability. Unfortunately, medical malpractice is also a major contributor to these injuries. Thousands of truckers and other workers are injured by medical malpractice and negligence yearly due to:

  • Missed or delayed diagnoses
  • Failure to treat
  • Prescription drug errors
  • Surgical or procedural errors

Truckers need to be aware of the risks associated with repetitive motion injuries so they can take steps to prevent them, such as taking regular breaks throughout the day and stretching regularly.

Additionally, every truck driver, whether employed or working as an independent contractor, must seek medical attention if they experience any symptoms that could be related to a repetitive motion injury.

Back Pain

Back pain is a common problem among truck drivers due to the long periods of sitting while truck driving. Prolonged driving [1] and loading cargo can cause severe pressure on the back, leading to conditions like degenerative disc disease.

These damaged disc injuries for truck drivers cause extreme pain and can be challenging to manage. Poor posture, lack of stretching, and inadequate ergonomic seating can all contribute to this pressure on the spine and lead to back pain.

Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and fall accidents are a major risk for truckers, as they often have to climb in and out of their vehicles when unloading cargo. Poor weather conditions such as snow, rain, and sleet can make the surfaces slippery, increasing the chances of a fall.

These falls can lead to serious injuries for truck drivers, including broken bones, soft tissue injuries, and even traumatic brain damage.

The trucking industry is currently facing a shortage of workers, which has led to increased delivery deadlines and fewer safety measures being taken. Truckers may focus more on meeting deadlines than checking their surroundings for potential hazards.

Being Struck By or Against Objects

Truck drivers risk being struck by heavy equipment and cargo while on the job. It can lead to serious trauma such as organ damage, brain injury, and bone fractures. Truck drivers must take safety precautions to avoid these types of injuries when handling dangerous objects.

Safety measures should include wearing protective gear such as hard hats, gloves, and steel-toed boots. Drivers and other workers should also be aware of their surroundings and pay attention to any potential hazards that could cause an object to strike them.

Additionally, they should always use proper lifting techniques when loading or unloading items from the truck bed. Finally, truck drivers must be aware of their physical limitations and not attempt tasks beyond their capabilities.

By taking these steps, truck drivers can reduce the risks of workers being struck by or against objects while on the job.

Truck Accident Injuries

Truck accidents can be incredibly dangerous and often lead to serious injuries. Burns, internal bleeding, and spinal cord injury are the most common injuries that truckers may suffer from in the event of a collision. In some cases, these injuries can even be fatal.

Highway accidents are a leading cause of trucking injuries for employee truckers and independent contractors, including:

  • Back and neck injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Head and brain injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Seat belt injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Wrongful death

Common Causes of Falling Accidents for Truckers

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, slip and fall accidents are common causes of injury for truckers employed by trucking companies. Slick floors due to inclement weather, oil spills, and clean-ups can cause truck drivers to slip and fall.

Poorly stored equipment and inadequate lighting can also contribute to slip and fall accidents. Climbing in and out of the truck too quickly without proper technique or safety equipment can lead to injury.

Workers’ Compensation for Slip and Fall Accidents

Workers’ compensation benefits are available to every driver employed by a trucking company injured in a slip and fall accident. These benefits cover medical expenses and lost income due to the injury, depending on the severity of the injury.

Truckers should take certain precautions to avoid these accidents, such as wearing non-slip shoes and cleaning any spills around walking surfaces.

Were you injured in a slip-and-fall accident while working for a trucking company? Seek legal representation from an experienced attorney. Our lawyers provide compassionate legal representation for those who have suffered serious injuries.

Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Truck Drivers

Truck drivers are essential to the transportation industry, but they can risk becoming partially or completely disabled due to working conditions. Companies are required by law to provide workers’ compensation for disabled truck drivers, which includes wage loss benefits and medical expenses related to an injury.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration estimates 17 deaths and seven non-fatal workplace injuries occur per 100,000 workers in the transportation, warehousing, and utility sectors. In 2019 alone, more than 6,400 tractor-trailer accidents occurred in Illinois.

Partial Disability

Partial disability benefits are designed to help those with a disability that limits their ability to work. These benefits provide two-thirds of the pay the person loses due to disability.

The benefits claim helps to ensure the worker can maintain the same level of financial stability while unable to work at full capacity. There is a minimum and maximum amount for partial disability benefits, which varies depending on the individual’s situation.

Hire a Truck Driver Injury Lawyer to Resolve a Personal Injury Claim

Are you suffering work-related injuries? The personal injury attorneys at Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers, LLC represent injured truck company employees to ensure they receive financial compensation through an injury claim.

Contact us today at (888) 424-5757 (toll-free phone number) or use the contact form to schedule a free consultation. Let’s discuss your accident evidence to ensure you are fully compensated for your work injury.

Our legal team accepts every personal injury lawsuit through a contingency fee agreement. This arrangement ensures you’ll pay no fees until our legal team can resolve your compensation claim and workers’ compensation benefit settlement or jury award.

Resources: [1] NIH

Client Reviews

Jonathan Rosenfeld was professionally objective, timely, and knowledgeable. Also, his advice was extremely effective regarding my case. In addition, Jonathan was understanding and patient pertaining to any of my questions or concerns. I was very happy with the end result and I highly recommend Jonathan Rosenfeld.

- Michonne Proulx

Extremely impressed with this law firm. They took control of a bad motorcycle crash that left my uncle seriously injured. Without any guarantee of a financial recovery, they went out and hired accident investigators and engineers to help prove how the accident happened. I am grateful that they worked on a contingency fee basis as there was no way we could have paid for these services on our own.

- Ethan Armstrong

Jonathan helped my family heal and get compensation after our child was suffered a life threatening injury at daycare. He was sympathetic and in constant contact with us letting us know all he knew every step of the way. We were so blessed to find Jonathan!

- Giulia

This lawyer really helped me get compensation for my motorcycle accident case. I know there is no way that I could have gotten anywhere near the amount that Mr. Rosenfeld was able to get to settle my case. Thank you.

- Daniel Kaim

Jonathan did a great job helping my family navigate through a lengthy lawsuit involving my grandmother's death in a nursing home. Through every step of the case, Jonathan kept my family informed of the progression of the case. Although our case eventually settled at a mediation, I really was impressed at how well prepared Jonathan was to take the case to trial.

- Lisa
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